Introduction to a Girl


(Image Information: Greeting, Oneworld)

My name is Ann, or Ann Marie, or Anna, or whatever you want to call me. I grew up as Ann Marie, but that changed when I started public school at the age of 11. Then I was Ann. Once I started college, I reverted back to Ann Marie, but outside of school, I go by Ann. And some people call me Anna! It used to be confusing, but now I don't mind it. Whatever works, works. 

Here's a little bit about me:

I'm a French major and am studying Spanish as well, hence the trilingual greeting. What's slightly ironic is that I am Vietnamese, and am just about the only person in my family to not speak it. My relatives have been hounding me to learn for years, so maybe majoring in French was an unconscious rebellion on my part. I don't know, but hey, if they wanted me to know Vietnamese they should've taught me when I was young. 

I should make it clear, I have nothing against Vietnamese, I just never learned it as a child and don't see my family often enough to learn now. 

To be honest, majoring in French had nothing to do with Vietnamese. The truth is, I came to OU having no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I've just been figuring it along the way. In my years at OU,  one of the best classes that I've taken was Myths and Folklore, taught by the amazing Laura Gibbs. I had so much fun taking that class that I swore I was going to take her other class (this one) before I graduated. Now the time has come, and despite the pandemic, I am looking forward to learning a lot and growing as a writer with my Indian Epics blog. 

Other things about me: I love music, books, reading, and writing. I am very passionate about my favorite musicians and authors. I find inspiration while reading or listening to (in the form of songs, podcasts, or audiobooks) other people's writing, which is why I tend to idolize my favorites. One writer I really like is Rick Riordan, who wrote the Percy Jackson series. If I could be like any book author it would be him, because he manages to address series topics in a lighthearted, kid-appropriate, and hilarious way. His work has not only been very validating for people with ADHD, but also for LGBTQ and people of color.

One of my favorite songwriters is Taylor Swift. A lot of people write her off as some silly pop artist, and hey, I'm not gonna try to argue that her lyrics are deep or intelligent or whatever. What I find so fascinating about her songs is just how good they are at transporting the listener into whatever plot/story she's come up with. Even though the lyrics are not always unique, and can actually be quite repetitive, those basic lyrics full of the same simple phrases are pretty damn good at painting a picture. Give the girl a few key phrases, "dancing in the rain", "white dress", "summer love", and she'll write a song that's not only catchy but also heartrending and nostalgic, something that will leave you sighing after your high school sweetheart (even if you didn't have one.)  That's the kind of power I want to have when writing. She's very gifted, and her music always inspires me to write. 

I often find myself wanting to write, but lacking the motivation to do it. That's one great thing about this class. It pushes people to write, but allows so much creative freedom. I can't wait to read and write some awesome stories. Wish me luck with this semester, and good luck to all of you! We will get through this pandemic together. 


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    1. Hi Ann Marie, I love that you are so passionate about writing this has never been something that comes easily to me. I think it is very cool that you chose your own path and a language that suits you and something that you enjoy. I love that you took Professor Gibbs other class and still want to take this one. So far I am enjoying this class but it is a lot of work.

  2. Hey Ann! I am a writer myself so I can really understand your passion for getting inspired by consuming works from fantastic authors! It is funny because Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson" series is what got me into reading novels in elementary school. I have much love for that book series because of the early inspiration it gave me as a child. Some advice I would give you since you are lacking the motivation to write is to not force anything, instead let the moment to moment inspiration drive you. Do not sit down and "prepare to write immediately, but let ideas come to you as you are living life, and quickly write them down to use when you finally have enough ideas to sit down and start something. This is a casual approach, but I feel is also the best approach to any type of writing.

  3. Hey Ann Marie! That is so cool that you are learning two languages. I am also a writer, and love the setup of this class as it helps me explore my creativity more, which is so different from my other courses. I actually recently switched to a Marketing major because I wanted to be able to explore my creativity but still in the business world. I am also a huge fan of Rick Riordan and I just recently re-read The Lightning Thief. Also, I don't listen to much Taylor Swift, but I have to say that I loved Folklore.

  4. I will be so curious to find out if any of the Indian characters and stories are familiar to you, Ann Marie! The stories from India spread all over southeast Asia (the national epic of Thailand is actually a version of the Ramayana!)... and the Buddhist jataka stories (like the ones in the Week 2 Anthology) spread the farthest and widest because they are a part of the Buddhist tradition. I hope this class can help you find exciting new stories and also new authors; one of my favorite things about Twitter is connecting with Indian authors there, like Koral Dasgupta (Twitter link), who just published a new mythology-inspired book, Ahalya - link. (You'll be meeting Ahalya as a character in the Ramayana in Week 3). And Rick Riordan has been so great about using his success to promote authors from other countries in his "Rick Riordan Presents - link" series... the India books in that series by Roshai Chokshi are BRILLIANT: maybe you will want to do read Chokshi's "Aru Shah And The End Of Time" during the free reading part of this class later in the semester! :-)

  5. Hi Ann! That's amazing that you're learning so many languages. I'm fluent in Korean and English and I tried to learn Chinese, but I think my brain hit capacity at two languages. It's kind of funny you mention that your family should have taught you Vietnamese when you're young, because I know some friends that are Korean that can't speak the language from similar circumstances. They always complain that they can kind of understand it listening, but can never imagine actually speaking it fluently. Good luck on your classes this semester!

  6. Hi Ann,
    Majoring in French, wow!! I can't imagine how difficult that is for someone, but hey good for you! I also like the setup of this class to where you get to be so creative with all the writing that you are required to do. We definitely will get through this pandemic together, what a crazy and disappointing time, but stuff happens. I wish you the best in your life and career here at OU

  7. Hi Ann Marie! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about Taylor Swift and how her "basic lyrics full of the same simple phrases are pretty damn good at painting a picture". I wonder if on some level this challenges the idea that clichés are always bad in writing?
    Your comments made me think about how music can be meaningful on a "deep or intellectual" level but part of what makes it so powerful is also its capacity to evoke a kind of instinctive response in us that is maybe rooted more in the subconscious, like how the stories that Taylor Swift tells resonate with you, or like when old people listen to music from when they were young.
    It's so cool that you're studying French! That means you can go to Canada.
    I haven't read the Percy Jackson series in a really long time, but your blog post made me want to revisit them!

  8. Hi Ann Marie,

    I completely get where you're coming from with your relatives trying to pressure you to learn Vietnamese. Although my Vietnamese is pretty decent, my aunts and uncles always try to make me learn more. I find it really interesting that you decided to major in a language. Good luck on your studies and I hope that you can find the career that you are looking for when you graduate!

  9. Hi Ann Marie,

    I found your argument as to why you like Taylor Swift to be super relatable! Especially with her new album that just came out. Like, she gets a lot of hate for her personal life, but you can't deny that she's actually pretty great at songwriting. My favorite song from her new album is 'Mirrorball' for the exact reasons that you stated in your intro so you are not alone on liking her music.

    Have an awesome day!

  10. Hello Ann, Anna, Ann Maria?..... Hello. First of all let me appluade you on your ability to even attempt to learn that many languages. I am bilangual myself, and I find it hard to balance just two sometimes. I would drive myself crazy if i tried to learn another language, but on the bright side you would make for a good travel buddy. You did a great job in showing your personality through your style of writing. I do wish you all the best with your future endavors.

  11. Hi Ann!

    I am seriously impressed by your TRI-lingual ability because I am currently just seeing fruition to become fluent in Spanish, and it is a LOT of work. I never realized how continual a language-learning process is. Even if you drop it for a very short amount of time, it takes so much to pick up on again! So I also totally understand why you wouldn't necessarily be committed to learning Vietnamese if you don't feel like you'll use it much. I think that with a language propensity like yours, you can be a writer or whatever you want to do!

  12. Hi Ann, that's so cool that you know so many languages! I totally agree with you about Taylor Swift's innate ability to write really amazing songs, and I am also one of her fans :). I also love the prospect of writing, but can never bring myself to sit down and write, so I appreciate the creative writing I get to do in this class! I look forward to reading your work this semester!

  13. Ann, you have such a special background and your life seems so interesting! I honor the patience you must have to be tri-lingual because I know how difficult it is to learn any language that you did not grow up around. I enjoyed the humor you used while mentioning the resentment your family might have about you not speaking Vietnamese, and you're right, if they wanted you to learn it, they should have taught you at an age where your brain could grasp the language at an age where language is most easily learned. You are obviously doing a great job and pursuing your passions, so that is all that matters!

  14. Hey Ann Marie,
    I like how you gave us so many options for what to call you, Lol. That is extremely cool that you know that many languages. I studied spanish here for 3 semesters and can say with confidence I don't remember a single thing I have learned. So it is really cool that you are passionate enough to learn and become fluent in more than one language. Thats cool that you mentioned that your favorite class was Mythology and Folklore, I just enrolled in that class for next semester and I am looking forward to it! Really nice to meet you!

  15. Hey Ann!
    I have to say, majoring in a foreign language is hard work! Kudos to you for wanting to do that! Also, it is super frustrating when parents who speak a different language don't teach us! My mom speaks fluent Spanish (it is her first language) and never taught me! Fortunately, I was able to learn by listening to her conversations with my grandma while we lived in Germany! I'm not perfect at the language, but I can hold a conversation which is what counts, right? I also love Taylor Swift! I agree that her songs bring this nostalgic feeling, but I also like that everything she puts out ties together. There are different Easter eggs everywhere in her work. It's astonishing! I look forward to reading your work!

  16. Hi Ann,
    I find your language choices to be ones that very beneficial as they are some of the most popular and recognized in the world. I am curious as to what do you plan to do with you major? I was thinking teaching, but your interests in writing makes me think you may want to be an author. Whatever the case, I wish you the best.

  17. Hey Ann Marie! It is so nice to meet you even though it is so late in the semester ! I wanted to become tri-lingual soooo bad whenever I was still good at speaking Spanish as I was beginning to learn American Sign Language. Unfortunately what they say is right, if you do not use it you will lose it. I think you are going to go very far in life with your fluency in different languages, I am so impressed! I am interested to see if that works in any of your stories. Nice to meet ya!

  18. Hello Ann Marie,
    Being trilingual must be such a huge benefit and a really cool asset to be able to have. I think that you should learn your mother tongue, and that it holds lots of cultural benefits, as well as respecting your heritage. Aside from that, you would also be able to speak 4 languages which is even more impressive than 3! :)

  19. Hi Ann Marie,
    I am bilingual so you being trilingual seems like a challenge! I am just joking haha, but that is actually really cool, really motivates me to learn another language. I understand the difficulty of trying to hold on to your native tongue. I was blessed that I was able to fully learn Korean before leaving the country to come here!


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